Archive: 2024-05-31

An Overview of Nanon Network: The Gaming Blockchain with $10 Million in Funding

Introduction to Nanon Network

Nanon Network is a high-performance, modular blockchain platform specifically designed for gaming. Its creation marks a significant step forward in technological innovation within the gaming industry. With recent completion of a $10 million financing round, Nanon Network has garnered strong support from industry giants such as SIG, The9 Limited, LK Venture, and FBG Capital, showcasing the market’s recognition and anticipation for its technology and future prospects.

SIG is the largest external investor in ByteDance and the largest institutional holder of BTC spot ETF; The9 Limited was the early agent for World of Warcraft; LK Venture’s parent company Blueport Interactive is a well-known listed company in the gaming sector. Nanon Network aims to provide a high-performance, modular platform and build an all-in-one gaming ecosystem, covering various aspects from game promotion, asset issuance to trading markets, guild management, and portal information, creating comprehensive gaming ecosystem products.

High Performance and Modular Design

Nanon Network aims to provide a highly scalable and efficient gaming blockchain solution with its core advantage being modular design. This design allows the platform to flexibly add or update various features to meet the evolving needs of the gaming market and technological advancements. In this way, Nanon Network can support games of various scales, from small indie games to large-scale MMORPGs.

Comprehensive Gaming Ecosystem

As an all-in-one gaming blockchain platform, Nanon Network offers a full range of services, including game promotion, asset issuance, trading market, guild management, and portal information. These services collectively build a complete gaming ecosystem, allowing developers to focus on creating outstanding gaming experiences without worrying about the underlying technical and market challenges. Additionally, this ecosystem enables players to enjoy a smoother gaming experience and more efficient asset transactions.

Major Game Titles

Nanon Network is not just a technical platform; it will also launch several major games, including “PlayerOne” (a blockchain version of Minecraft), “Eternal” (a blockchain version of Aion), and “WarStone” (a blockchain version of Hearthstone). These games cover a range of genres from sandbox treasure hunting to epic card strategies, expected to attract a wide global player base.

Node Mining and Token Economy

Node operators play a crucial role in Nanon Network’s ecosystem. By participating in node mining, operators not only support the network’s stability and security but also receive Nanon tokens as rewards. Additionally, Nanon employs a strategy of limiting total supply and repurchasing and burning tokens to ensure long-term value appreciation. For node purchasers seeking zero-risk investment, Nanon also offers a principal-protected repurchase option after one year.

Through these advanced technologies and economic strategies, Nanon Network not only addresses some of the core issues facing the current gaming industry but also lays a solid foundation for future development.

Main Features and Advantages of Nanon Network

As a blockchain platform designed specifically for gaming, Nanon Network provides a series of groundbreaking advantages in the gaming industry through its innovative technology and modular architecture.

Highly Modular Design

One of the core features of Nanon Network is its highly modular design. This design not only provides great flexibility but also allows developers to customize and expand their applications according to specific game needs. Whether it is a small indie development project or a large-scale MMORPG, Nanon’s modular structure ensures that the platform can easily adapt to various complexities.

EVM-Compatible Game Blockchain

By implementing an EVM-compatible game blockchain, Nanon Network not only allows developers to leverage the extensive resources of the existing Ethereum ecosystem but also significantly improves transaction efficiency and network scalability through its modular expansion. This structural design enables Nanon Network to maintain low latency and high throughput when handling a large number of game transactions.

All-in-One Gaming Ecosystem Products

Nanon Network offers a comprehensive range of gaming ecosystem services, including game promotion, asset issuance, trading market, guild management, and gaming information. This all-in-one solution greatly simplifies the complexity of game development and operation, allowing developers to focus more on creating engaging gaming experiences while providing players with richer interaction and trading platforms.

OP Stack Technology Solution

Built on OP Stack technology, Nanon Network optimizes transaction processing and data storage mechanisms through its advanced Layer 2 scaling technology. This implementation not only reduces transaction costs but also enhances network security and decentralization, ensuring the security of player assets and the stable operation of the network.

Comprehensive Gaming Ecosystem Products

While strengthening its gaming blockchain platform, Nanon Network is also actively expanding its all-in-one gaming ecosystem products to meet the needs of different game developers and players. Here are some of the main products and their key features:

Game Portal & Promotion Engine

Introduction: Optimize game promotion strategies using data analysis and AI technology, achieving unprecedented exposure and conversion rates through precise marketing.

Key Features:

Data-Driven Optimization: Integrate big data analysis and user behavior research, optimize game promotion through AI, and enhance conversion rates and ROI.

All-in-One Promotion Tools: Simplify the process of creating, deploying, and managing ads, offering an easy-to-use interface and comprehensive features.

Multi-Channel Coverage: Integrate various channels, such as social media and gaming guilds, for extensive market reach.

Game Asset Issuance Platform

Key Features:

Project Showcase: Provide a platform for game developers to showcase their projects and attract investors and users’ attention.

Asset Issuance Support: Offer end-to-end solutions from technical integration to market strategies.

Market Access: Leverage Nanon Network’s resources to support the market promotion and user acquisition of game projects.

Game Asset Trading Platform

Key Features:

Fair and Transparent Transactions: Use blockchain technology to ensure transaction security and asset authenticity.

Support for Diverse Assets: Support transactions of various game assets to meet wide-ranging needs.

Simple Trading Experience: Provide an intuitive trading interface, simplifying the process of buying and selling.

Game and Guild Management Platform

Key Features:

Integrated Operations Tools: Integrate data analysis and player management tools to support efficient operations.

Marketing Strategy Support: Offer marketing strategies and implementation support to help attract and retain active players.

Community Building Support: Provide tools and strategies to help build and maintain player communities.

Web3 Gaming Information Platform

Key Features:

Comprehensive Content: Offer the latest gaming news, reviews, tutorials, and industry analysis.

Community Interaction: Encourage content creation and discussion to drive industry development.

Tutorial Resources: Provide tutorials to support players and developers in understanding and joining the Web3 gaming field.

Through these all-in-one solutions, Nanon Network not only strengthens its position as a technology provider but also creates a fully supported environment for game developers and players, thereby driving innovation and growth in the entire blockchain gaming industry.

Application Scenarios of Ecosystem Products

As a blockchain platform focused on gaming, Nanon Network offers multiple application scenarios that leverage its technological advantages to solve common issues in the gaming industry and promote new business models. Here are some key application scenarios and practical use cases:

Asset Trading

On Nanon Network, players can trade in-game assets, such as equipment, items, and virtual currency, in a secure environment. Utilizing the immutability of blockchain technology, transaction records are transparent and irreversible, reducing the likelihood of fraud. For example, players who mine rare ores in the game “MineBlock” can directly sell them to other players on the platform, eliminating the need for third-party trading platforms, thereby reducing transaction fees and time delays.

Cross-Game Asset Interoperability

Nanon Network supports interoperability of assets between different games, allowing players to use or display assets acquired in one game in another. For instance, advanced skins obtained in “PlayerOne” can be used in “MineBlock”. This interoperability not only increases the utility of assets but also promotes player interaction and community building across different games.

Gamification of Finance

Through Nanon Network, developers can build complex economic models supporting in-game financial derivatives, such as asset collateralization and trading. This allows players to handle their virtual assets as they would real-world assets. For example, players can collateralize their equipment in “Eternal” to obtain in-game loans to purchase higher-grade equipment or other investment projects.

Game Promotion and Marketing

Nanon Network provides tools and platforms to support game promotion activities and marketing strategies. Developers can leverage the transparency of blockchain to create trustworthy promotion activities, such as limited edition NFT issuance or special rewards, to attract new players and reward loyal ones. For instance, game developers might issue special edition NFTs to the first 1,000 players as a reward for participating in early game testing.

Guild and Community Management

Using Nanon Network, gaming guilds and communities can more effectively manage their members and resources. Blockchain technology can help ensure fair and transparent contribution and reward distribution among guild members. Additionally, guilds can automate fee collection and resource distribution through smart contracts.

Nanon Token Economy

Initial Distribution

In designing the Nanon Network token economy, a total supply of 2 billion Nanon tokens has been set. The distribution of these tokens aims to support the long-term sustainable development and community activities of the network, as well as reward node operators and community members who contribute to the network.

Nodes & Community – 55%:

Node Production: 50% of the total supply is used to reward node operators, supporting network security and efficiency.

Community Building: 5% of the total supply is used for community development and various community incentive activities.

Ecosystem – 11%:

Initial Unlock: 2% is unlocked at TGE (Token Generation Event) to support the initial development of the ecosystem.

Subsequent Unlock: The remaining 9% will begin unlocking 6 months after TGE, following a 36-month linear unlocking mechanism,totaling 42 months.

LP (Liquidity Provision) – 2%:

Immediate Unlock: Unlocked at TGE to facilitate market liquidity.

Investments – 15%:

Locking and Release:

10.4% of the total supply, where 40% will be locked for 9 months and then linearly released over the next 10 months; 60% will be locked for 24 months and then released in the same manner over the next 10 months.

4.6% of the total supply, where 10% will be released in the 6th month, with the remaining 90% locked for 9 months and then linearly released over the next 9 months.

KOL Round – 2%:

Unlocking Plan: 10% is immediately unlocked at TGE, with the remaining 90% locked for 6 months and then linearly released over the next 15 months.

Team – 15%:

Team Incentives: Begin unlocking 18 months after TGE, then linearly unlocked over the next 36 months, totaling 45 months.

About Nanon Tokens

Nanon tokens are the primary governance and ecosystem tokens of Nanon Network, similar to traditional Layer 1 (L1) and Layer 2 (L2) blockchain platform tokens. They are fully transferable and can be used for network governance, with a certain proportion of network transaction fees used for repurchasing and burning Nanon. Nanon and esNanon can be exchanged at a 1:1 ratio, a design intended to bring balance and completeness to the ecosystem.

esNanon Tokens and Staking Mechanism

esNanon tokens are a special type of token that is non-tradable and non-transferable, primarily used for staking in the Nanon ecosystem to obtain various benefits. This includes rewards for stakers participating in ecological construction and maintaining network security. Staking esNanon offers multiple advantages, such as participating in governance, pool rewards, and potential future airdrop events.

Mining Pools and Reward Mechanism

Nanon provides mining pool functionality, especially for users owning Shield Key super nodes. These super nodes can create their own mining pools, manage pool configurations, and distribute rewards based on the staked amount of esNanon. This pooling strategy not only improves the consistency of rewards but also increases community members’ cooperation through collaboration.

Shield Key and Node Rewards

Nanon’s node reward mechanism is central to its token economy. The total supply is set at 2 billion Nanon, most of which is used to reward users running nodes. As participation increases, the system automatically adjusts the release of rewards to ensure long-term security and activity of the network.

Governance and Community Participation

Nanon emphasizes the importance of community governance. In the future, it is expected that esNanon and Shield Key holders will be able to vote on significant network changes and governance proposals, directly influencing the network’s development direction.

Economic Model Sustainability

Nanon has designed a series of economic strategies to ensure the sustainability of its token economy, including a token repurchase plan and meticulous management of pool rewards. These strategies aim to maintain token value, motivate participants to remain active, and support the healthy development of the entire ecosystem.

Future Development Plans and Outlook

Nanon Network has already established a solid foundation within the gaming blockchain industry. Its future development plans and outlook aim to further expand its technological boundaries, strengthen its global market influence, and deepen the functionality and user experience of its ecosystem.

Technological Development and Innovation

Nanon Network plans to continue investing in technology R&D, especially in enhancing the performance and security of its existing game blockchain. Additionally, Nanon will support ongoing Ethereum upgrades to ensure compatibility and cutting-edge status with major blockchain technologies.

Ecosystem Expansion

As technology matures and the market expands, Nanon Network will strive to attract more game developers and content creators to its platform. This includes providing more development tools and resources to lower the entry barrier for developers, as well as expanding its marketing and user acquisition strategies to increase the global user base.

Community and Collaboration

To further enhance the cohesion and engagement of its community, Nanon plans to launch more community-driven projects and activities. This includes online seminars, developer conferences, and user gatherings, as well as enhancing interaction and collaboration among community members. Additionally, Nanon will continue to collaborate with industry partners to jointly promote blockchain gaming standards and practices.

Sustainable Development and Governance

Nanon Network plans to transition to a model managed by a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) over the next few years, making the platform’s operations more transparent and democratic. By implementing effective governance structures and incentive mechanisms, Nanon aims to involve all stakeholders in the network’s governance and decision-making processes.

Long-Term Goals

Looking long-term, Nanon Network aims to become a global leader in the gaming blockchain platform, not only as a technological innovator but also as a leader in ecological transformation in the gaming industry. By continuously optimizing its platform and services, Nanon hopes to support more game types and business models, truly pushing blockchain gaming into the mainstream market.

Nanon Network has already demonstrated its significant impact on the gaming industry and its great potential for future development in a short time. With innovative technology and a well-thought-out economic model, it not only addresses many of the existing challenges in the gaming industry but also provides developers and players with a new platform full of opportunities. As more collaborations and community activities progress, along with continuous technological upgrades and ecosystem expansion, Nanon Network is poised to shape the future of gaming experiences, making them richer and more dynamic.

CoinNexus Launches Felice Plan, Ushering in a New Era of Web3.0 Financial Technology


June 2, CoinNexus blockchain has once again demonstrated its forward-thinking vision and exceptional potential with the official launch of its groundbreaking “Felice Plan.” This marks a significant step forward for CoinNexus in the wave of Web3.0 innovation.

The Felice Plan is an innovative financial incentive mechanism that offers participants stable and predictable returns through staking Plan. It encourages users to hold onto their tokens for the long term, fostering a stronger commitment to the network and contributing to the steady growth of token value.

The cornerstone of the Felice Plan is its unique staking rules and reward system. Participants can increase their stake in each new staking round, strengthening their position in the network. As the stake amount grows, participants enjoy higher reward rates, recognizing their greater contribution to the network. Additionally, the plan sets a ceiling on earnings, ensuring returns remain within a manageable range.

Beyond staking rewards, the Felice Plan introduces multiple incentives such as referral bonuses, community rewards, and peer-to-peer incentives. These mechanisms not only motivate participants to actively promote the Felice Plan and attract more users, but also foster collaboration and mutual benefit among participants.

Notably, the Felice Plan also includes a network-wide dividend mechanism. Depending on participants’ levels and achievements, the platform distributes 19% of the total stake among all levels, providing an additional revenue stream for participants. This mechanism further boosts investors’ confidence and promotes the prosperity of the CoinNexus ecosystem.

The founding team of CoinNexus blockchain expressed that the launch of the Felice Plan is a significant milestone in the development of the CoinNexus ecosystem. They hope to attract more users to join the CoinNexus community and jointly promote the advancement of Web3.0 financial technology. They also look forward to working closely with participants to create a brighter future.

In the wave of Web3.0, CoinNexus blockchain stands out with its remarkable potential and forward-thinking vision, leading the future of financial technology. The launch of the Felice Plan has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the CoinNexus ecosystem. Let’s look forward to the remarkable achievements CoinNexus will achieve in the field of Web3.0 financial technology!

Join hands to build smart cities and improve the quality of life in the futureHero In The East&Toronto Smart Solutions

Recently, in Toronto, Canada, Hero In The East and Toronto Smart Solutions held a solemn signing ceremony, announcing that the two parties would jointly launch a new smart city project. The project aims to develop and implement intelligent transportation systems, energy management solutions and public safety platforms to improve the efficiency of urban management and the quality of life of residents.


Hero In The East is a high-tech enterprise focusing on technological innovation. It is good at artificial intelligence, big data analysis, edge computing and other fields, and is committed to promoting digital transformation and smart city construction. Toronto Smart Solutions is Canada’s leading provider of smart city solutions and has rich experience in urban management and technological innovation.

This cooperation will give full play to the technical and resource advantages of both parties and work together to build an intelligent and efficient urban management system. The project will cover the design and implementation of intelligent transportation systems, including intelligent traffic lights, vehicle tracking systems, etc.; the development of energy management solutions to optimize and save energy consumption; and the construction of public safety platforms to improve the city’s security management level. .


At the signing ceremony, representatives from both parties expressed their expectations and confidence in cooperation. The CEO of Hero In The East said: “We are very happy to reach a cooperation agreement with Toronto Smart Solutions to jointly promote the development of smart city projects. Through cooperation between the two parties, we will bring smarter, safer, and more efficient services to the citizens of Toronto. A more convenient urban living experience.”

The CEO of Toronto Smart Solutions also said: “Hero In The East has rich technical experience in the fields of artificial intelligence and big data, and we are confident in this cooperation. We look forward to working together to build a smart city for Toronto through the cooperation between the two parties.” A smarter, more livable city.”

The cooperation between the two parties will surely inject new vitality and impetus into Toronto’s smart city construction, bringing more convenience and well-being to urban development and residents’ lives.


Hotcoin will list Red Devil Knight (HF) for trading on May 29 at 12:00


According to an official announcement from Hotcoin, they will open HF/USDT trading at 12:00 (UTC+8) on May 29, 2024, and HF deposits and withdrawals at 11:00 on May 29, 2024.

Red Devil Knight is a blockchain-driven sports platform powered by artificial intelligence. It offers sports event consultation, data analysis, investment services, and secure trading through its one-stop service platform.

“Glorious Victory” Launches Beta Testing: $TITAN Token Leads Gaming Revolution

It is reported that the blockchain game “Glorious Victory” will open its Beta version for testing on May 20th. This phase of testing offers seed users from the early community a first-hand experience of the game’s unique features. The $TITAN rune token not only plays a crucial role in governance within the game but also serves as a key means for players to earn rewards. By participating in game activities and achieving milestones, players can earn $TITAN tokens, enhancing their status and capabilities within the game.

The implementation of the $TITAN token elevates the interactive experience for players, enabling tangible and perceived benefits in the game. As the “Glorious Victory” community continues to grow, players will thrive in an environment supported by strategy, skills, and community engagement. The use of the $TITAN token not only motivates player participation but also ensures the vitality and sustainability of the game’s economic system. For more information on participating in the Beta test or joining the game community, please visit our official website or follow our social media platforms.

WAET: AET chain’s strategic layout and innovation in the actual proof-of-work (RWA) track


In today’s rapidly evolving digital economy, the AET ecosystem, with its unique innovative capabilities and broad application scenarios, is gradually becoming a leader in the global digital asset market. The AET ecosystem is composed of a public chain, a digital wallet, and an AI digital human platform. These components synergistically create a dynamic and innovative digital world. By continuously advancing technological innovation and strategic layouts, the AET ecosystem plays a pivotal role in driving the global digital economy’s transformation.

Real World Asset Tokenization (RWA) is emerging as a new hotspot in the crypto world. RWA converts real-world assets into digital assets, allowing crypto capital to capture real commercial opportunities while providing real assets with instant liquidity in the crypto world. According to Boston Consulting Group, the tokenized asset market could surge to $16 trillion by 2030. Citi predicts that by 2030, there will be $4 to $5 trillion in tokenized digital securities. RWA not only encompasses stablecoins but also includes U.S. Treasury bonds, the U.S. dollar, bonds, and compliant stablecoins, showcasing its vast market prospects and development potential.

Against this backdrop, the AET ecosystem has launched its significant initiative in the RWA track—the WAET token. As AET Chain’s first RWA protocol token, WAET represents AET’s strategic expansion into this emerging field and demonstrates its leadership in promoting digital asset management and innovation. Through WAET, the AET ecosystem further enhances its influence and competitiveness in the digital economy.

  1. Market Prospects and Potential of the RWA Track

RWA (Real World Asset Tokenization) is rapidly becoming a hot topic in the fintech sector. By converting real-world assets into digital assets, RWA builds a bridge between traditional finance and crypto assets, offering numerous advantages and opportunities for both sectors, such as:

  • Capturing Commercial Opportunities for Crypto Capital: RWA enables crypto capital to enter the traditional financial realm, allowing it to capture a wider range of commercial opportunities. By tokenizing real-world assets, investors can diversify their portfolios to include a broader array of asset classes such as bonds, real estate, and gold, thereby achieving more extensive asset allocation.
  • Providing Instant Liquidity: Traditional assets often face liquidity challenges. Through tokenization, these assets can achieve instant liquidity in the crypto market. Investors can buy and sell more flexibly, improving capital efficiency and reducing holding costs.

According to Defillama, the total value locked (TVL) in the RWA track has already reached over $4 billion, ranking tenth among all track categories. In the past year alone, the TVL of the RWA track has grown nearly sixfold. This remarkable growth rate indicates that RWA is rapidly attracting market attention and capital investment, suggesting that many more 100x or 1000x projects will emerge in this field in the future.

These market data and forecasts clearly demonstrate the enormous potential and vast prospects of the RWA track. As AET Chain’s significant initiative in the RWA track, the WAET token will play a crucial role in this opportunity-rich market, driving further development of the AET ecosystem.

  1. The Core Role of WAET in the AET Ecosystem

As the first protocol token in the RWA track by AET Chain, WAET plays a crucial role in the AET ecosystem. Its unique features and mechanisms not only drive the overall development of the AET ecosystem but also offer multiple value-added opportunities for users.

  • What is WAET?

WAET is the first protocol token introduced by AET Chain in the realm of Real World Asset Tokenization (RWA). It aims to tokenize premium assets from nodes within the AET World using blockchain technology, enabling blockchain users to invest and trade more conveniently. This initiative not only enhances AET Chain’s market influence but also demonstrates its leadership in digital asset management and innovation.

  • WAET’s Issuance Mechanism

The issuance mechanism of WAET is meticulously designed to ensure its long-term value and market stability:

Initial Circulation: 10% of WAET (1,000 tokens) will be part of the initial circulation, paired with AET equivalent to 50,000 USDT to form the genesis liquidity pool. This pool is fully audited and open-source, ensuring transparency and security, providing a strong foundation of trust for investors.

Mining Pool Allocation: The remaining 90% of WAET (9,000 tokens) will be allocated to the mining pool, which users can earn by staking AET alone or by adding liquidity to the AET+WAET LP pool. WAET will be released daily based on computing power:

  • 15% (1,500 tokens) for AET staking pool rewards
  • 75% (7,500 tokens) for AET+WAET liquidity LP pool rewards

The total issuance of WAET is limited to 10,000 tokens, with a low initial circulation, making it highly scarce and with significant appreciation potential. By staking WAET, users can not only increase AET’s liquidity but also promote AET’s burning, driving its market value upward. WAET holders can profit from price appreciation and use WAET to purchase AET World nodes, participating in network transaction dividends, achieving dual value enhancement.

  • WAET’s Deflationary Mechanism

To further enhance the value of WAET, a series of mandatory burning mechanisms are implemented. These mechanisms continuously reduce the circulating supply of WAET, increasing its scarcity and market value:

  • AET to USDT Conversion: When converting AET to USDT in AET World, 10% of the slippage is used to purchase WAET and burn it.
  • Ladder Trading Rewards: For AET produced as rewards from ladder trading in AET World, 10% of the handling fee upon withdrawal is used to purchase WAET and burn it.
  • Node Transactions: Transactions of AET World Nodes (nodes) are only supported using WAET, with 10% of the transaction fee used for mandatory burning.
  • Trading Slippage: A 3% slippage on both buying and selling WAET is used for mandatory burning.
  • WAET’s Release Mechanism

WAET utilizes an escrow contract to release tokens daily at one-thousandth of the mining pool, with 10% reduction every 30 days. This mechanism, similar to Bitcoin’s halving, gradually reduces the market supply of WAET, further increasing its scarcity and appreciation potential.

Through these innovative mechanisms, WAET not only provides multiple value-adding avenues within the AET ecosystem but also ensures stable long-term value growth. The introduction of WAET injects new vitality and momentum into the AET ecosystem, advancing AET’s strategic positioning in the RWA track and securing a more prominent role in the global digital economy.

III. Technological Innovation and Strategic Layout

AET Chain’s technological innovation and strategic layout in the RWA (Real World Asset) sector demonstrate its forward-thinking approach in digitizing real-world assets and integrating blockchain technology. Through continuous technological advancements and meticulous strategic planning, AET Chain not only fosters the development of its ecosystem but also injects new vitality and opportunities into the entire RWA sector.

  • Technological Innovation

AET Chain’s technological innovation began with the tokenization of premium node assets within AET World. This process enables efficient circulation and management of node assets on the blockchain, providing users with more flexible and convenient investment channels. It enhances the tradability of node assets and lays the foundation for building RWA financial infrastructure.

Moreover, AET Chain is committed to constructing a multi-chain liquidity capture mechanism to adapt to the current complex and dynamic blockchain ecosystem. This mechanism allows AET Chain to achieve efficient asset circulation and interoperability across multiple blockchain networks, offering users more diversified investment options and liquidity support. This innovation ensures that the AET ecosystem can capture more liquidity, consolidating its market-leading position.

  • Strategic Layout

AET Chain’s strategic layout in the RWA sector aims to drive the sustainable development of the entire ecosystem through innovative technology and strategic planning. The WAET RWA protocol enhances market liquidity and value by tokenizing real-world assets. Users can invest and trade on the blockchain through asset collateralization, thereby gaining mining pool incentives brought by liquidity.

The strategic layout of AET Chain also includes expanding its ecosystem globally, enhancing its competitiveness in the RWA sector through continuous technological innovation and market expansion. As the RWA market rapidly develops, AET Chain will continue to explore new technologies and application scenarios, further strengthening its market position.


  1. The Power of the Ecosystem: Synergistic Development of AET and WAET
  • Composition and Synergy of the AET Ecosystem

The AET ecosystem is composed of a public chain, a digital wallet, and an AI digital human platform. These components mutually reinforce each other, driving the overall development of the ecosystem. The AET public chain serves as the foundational infrastructure, ensuring the security and scalability of the entire system. The AET HD wallet offers convenient digital asset management and payment functionalities, while the AI digital human platform enhances user interaction experiences through intelligent services.

Within this ecosystem, WAET plays a crucial connecting role. As the first protocol token of AET Chain in the RWA (Real World Asset) sector, WAET not only facilitates the tokenization of node assets but also enhances the overall liquidity and investment value of the ecosystem through a multi-chain liquidity capture mechanism.

  • How WAET Enhances the Overall Value of AET Chain

The introduction of WAET significantly boosts user engagement and investment returns. Through staking mining and liquidity provision, users can earn stable returns, further increasing their confidence in the AET ecosystem. Additionally, the scarcity of WAET and its enforced burning mechanism ensure the stable growth of its long-term value.

These factors make the AET ecosystem more attractive and competitive in the market. As more users participate in WAET staking and trading, the overall value and market position of AET Chain are substantially elevated.

  1. Going Global: WAET Facilitates the International Expansion of the AET Ecosystem
  • Development Trends and Opportunities in the Global RWA Market

The global RWA market is rapidly emerging, drawing interest and attention from numerous traditional financial giants. Market forecasts by Boston Consulting Group and Citigroup indicate that the tokenized asset market will reach trillions of dollars by 2030. This trend offers expansive opportunities for the international development of AET Chain.

Through its global strategic layout, AET Chain actively expands into international markets, enhancing its influence in the RWA sector. Through technological innovation and market promotion, AET Chain aims to become a global leader in the RWA field.

  • WAET’s Competitive Advantages in Internationalization

As the core protocol token of AET Chain, WAET possesses significant competitive advantages for internationalization. Its decentralized design and multi-chain liquidity capture mechanism enable WAET to attract global users and investors. Additionally, WAET’s enforced burning mechanism and dual-token output model ensure the stable growth of its long-term value, further enhancing its market appeal.

By enabling seamless cross-chain asset flows, WAET not only increases the liquidity and market value of the AET ecosystem but also provides global users with more convenient and efficient investment channels. Looking ahead, as AET Chain continues to expand in the global market, WAET will play a vital role in helping the AET ecosystem achieve higher internationalization goals.



As the first protocol token of AET Chain in the RWA sector, WAET plays a critical role within the AET ecosystem, showcasing its vast potential in driving the digitization of real-world assets. Through a series of innovative mechanisms and strategic layouts, WAET successfully enhances the overall value and market competitiveness of AET Chain, boosting user engagement and investment returns.

Looking forward, AET Chain will continue to focus on technological innovation and market expansion, promoting the comprehensive development of the digital economy. By continuously optimizing and expanding its ecosystem, AET Chain will provide global users with richer and more convenient digital asset management and investment opportunities.

WAET: AET Chain’s Strategic Layout and Innovation in the RWA Track


In today’s rapidly evolving digital economy, the AET ecosystem, with its unique innovative capabilities and broad application scenarios, is gradually becoming a leader in the global digital asset market. The AET ecosystem is composed of a public chain, a digital wallet, and an AI digital human platform. These components synergistically create a dynamic and innovative digital world. By continuously advancing technological innovation and strategic layouts, the AET ecosystem plays a pivotal role in driving the global digital economy’s transformation.

Real World Asset Tokenization (RWA) is emerging as a new hotspot in the crypto world. RWA converts real-world assets into digital assets, allowing crypto capital to capture real commercial opportunities while providing real assets with instant liquidity in the crypto world. According to Boston Consulting Group, the tokenized asset market could surge to $16 trillion by 2030. Citi predicts that by 2030, there will be $4 to $5 trillion in tokenized digital securities. RWA not only encompasses stablecoins but also includes U.S. Treasury bonds, the U.S. dollar, bonds, and compliant stablecoins, showcasing its vast market prospects and development potential.

Against this backdrop, the AET ecosystem has launched its significant initiative in the RWA track—the WAET token. As AET Chain’s first RWA protocol token, WAET represents AET’s strategic expansion into this emerging field and demonstrates its leadership in promoting digital asset management and innovation. Through WAET, the AET ecosystem further enhances its influence and competitiveness in the digital economy.

  1. Market Prospects and Potential of the RWA Track

RWA (Real World Asset Tokenization) is rapidly becoming a hot topic in the fintech sector. By converting real-world assets into digital assets, RWA builds a bridge between traditional finance and crypto assets, offering numerous advantages and opportunities for both sectors, such as:

  • Capturing Commercial Opportunities for Crypto Capital: RWA enables crypto capital to enter the traditional financial realm, allowing it to capture a wider range of commercial opportunities. By tokenizing real-world assets, investors can diversify their portfolios to include a broader array of asset classes such as bonds, real estate, and gold, thereby achieving more extensive asset allocation.
  • Providing Instant Liquidity: Traditional assets often face liquidity challenges. Through tokenization, these assets can achieve instant liquidity in the crypto market. Investors can buy and sell more flexibly, improving capital efficiency and reducing holding costs.

According to Defillama, the total value locked (TVL) in the RWA track has already reached over $4 billion, ranking tenth among all track categories. In the past year alone, the TVL of the RWA track has grown nearly sixfold. This remarkable growth rate indicates that RWA is rapidly attracting market attention and capital investment, suggesting that many more 100x or 1000x projects will emerge in this field in the future.

These market data and forecasts clearly demonstrate the enormous potential and vast prospects of the RWA track. As AET Chain’s significant initiative in the RWA track, the WAET token will play a crucial role in this opportunity-rich market, driving further development of the AET ecosystem.

  1. The Core Role of WAET in the AET Ecosystem

As the first protocol token in the RWA track by AET Chain, WAET plays a crucial role in the AET ecosystem. Its unique features and mechanisms not only drive the overall development of the AET ecosystem but also offer multiple value-added opportunities for users.

  • What is WAET?

WAET is the first protocol token introduced by AET Chain in the realm of Real World Asset Tokenization (RWA). It aims to tokenize premium assets from nodes within the AET World using blockchain technology, enabling blockchain users to invest and trade more conveniently. This initiative not only enhances AET Chain’s market influence but also demonstrates its leadership in digital asset management and innovation.

  • WAET’s Issuance Mechanism

The issuance mechanism of WAET is meticulously designed to ensure its long-term value and market stability:

Initial Circulation: 10% of WAET (1,000 tokens) will be part of the initial circulation, paired with AET equivalent to 50,000 USDT to form the genesis liquidity pool. This pool is fully audited and open-source, ensuring transparency and security, providing a strong foundation of trust for investors.

Mining Pool Allocation: The remaining 90% of WAET (9,000 tokens) will be allocated to the mining pool, which users can earn by staking AET alone or by adding liquidity to the AET+WAET LP pool. WAET will be released daily based on computing power:

  • 15% (1,500 tokens) for AET staking pool rewards
  • 75% (7,500 tokens) for AET+WAET liquidity LP pool rewards

The total issuance of WAET is limited to 10,000 tokens, with a low initial circulation, making it highly scarce and with significant appreciation potential. By staking WAET, users can not only increase AET’s liquidity but also promote AET’s burning, driving its market value upward. WAET holders can profit from price appreciation and use WAET to purchase AET World nodes, participating in network transaction dividends, achieving dual value enhancement.

  • WAET’s Deflationary Mechanism

To further enhance the value of WAET, a series of mandatory burning mechanisms are implemented. These mechanisms continuously reduce the circulating supply of WAET, increasing its scarcity and market value:

  • AET to USDT Conversion: When converting AET to USDT in AET World, 10% of the slippage is used to purchase WAET and burn it.
  • Ladder Trading Rewards: For AET produced as rewards from ladder trading in AET World, 10% of the handling fee upon withdrawal is used to purchase WAET and burn it.
  • Node Transactions: Transactions of AET World Nodes (nodes) are only supported using WAET, with 10% of the transaction fee used for mandatory burning.
  • Trading Slippage: A 3% slippage on both buying and selling WAET is used for mandatory burning.
  • WAET’s Release Mechanism

WAET utilizes an escrow contract to release tokens daily at one-thousandth of the mining pool, with 10% reduction every 30 days. This mechanism, similar to Bitcoin’s halving, gradually reduces the market supply of WAET, further increasing its scarcity and appreciation potential.

Through these innovative mechanisms, WAET not only provides multiple value-adding avenues within the AET ecosystem but also ensures stable long-term value growth. The introduction of WAET injects new vitality and momentum into the AET ecosystem, advancing AET’s strategic positioning in the RWA track and securing a more prominent role in the global digital economy.

III. Technological Innovation and Strategic Layout

AET Chain’s technological innovation and strategic layout in the RWA (Real World Asset) sector demonstrate its forward-thinking approach in digitizing real-world assets and integrating blockchain technology. Through continuous technological advancements and meticulous strategic planning, AET Chain not only fosters the development of its ecosystem but also injects new vitality and opportunities into the entire RWA sector.

  • Technological Innovation

AET Chain’s technological innovation began with the tokenization of premium node assets within AET World. This process enables efficient circulation and management of node assets on the blockchain, providing users with more flexible and convenient investment channels. It enhances the tradability of node assets and lays the foundation for building RWA financial infrastructure.

Moreover, AET Chain is committed to constructing a multi-chain liquidity capture mechanism to adapt to the current complex and dynamic blockchain ecosystem. This mechanism allows AET Chain to achieve efficient asset circulation and interoperability across multiple blockchain networks, offering users more diversified investment options and liquidity support. This innovation ensures that the AET ecosystem can capture more liquidity, consolidating its market-leading position.

  • Strategic Layout

AET Chain’s strategic layout in the RWA sector aims to drive the sustainable development of the entire ecosystem through innovative technology and strategic planning. The WAET RWA protocol enhances market liquidity and value by tokenizing real-world assets. Users can invest and trade on the blockchain through asset collateralization, thereby gaining mining pool incentives brought by liquidity.

The strategic layout of AET Chain also includes expanding its ecosystem globally, enhancing its competitiveness in the RWA sector through continuous technological innovation and market expansion. As the RWA market rapidly develops, AET Chain will continue to explore new technologies and application scenarios, further strengthening its market position.


  1. The Power of the Ecosystem: Synergistic Development of AET and WAET
  • Composition and Synergy of the AET Ecosystem

The AET ecosystem is composed of a public chain, a digital wallet, and an AI digital human platform. These components mutually reinforce each other, driving the overall development of the ecosystem. The AET public chain serves as the foundational infrastructure, ensuring the security and scalability of the entire system. The AET HD wallet offers convenient digital asset management and payment functionalities, while the AI digital human platform enhances user interaction experiences through intelligent services.

Within this ecosystem, WAET plays a crucial connecting role. As the first protocol token of AET Chain in the RWA (Real World Asset) sector, WAET not only facilitates the tokenization of node assets but also enhances the overall liquidity and investment value of the ecosystem through a multi-chain liquidity capture mechanism.

  • How WAET Enhances the Overall Value of AET Chain

The introduction of WAET significantly boosts user engagement and investment returns. Through staking mining and liquidity provision, users can earn stable returns, further increasing their confidence in the AET ecosystem. Additionally, the scarcity of WAET and its enforced burning mechanism ensure the stable growth of its long-term value.

These factors make the AET ecosystem more attractive and competitive in the market. As more users participate in WAET staking and trading, the overall value and market position of AET Chain are substantially elevated.

  1. Going Global: WAET Facilitates the International Expansion of the AET Ecosystem
  • Development Trends and Opportunities in the Global RWA Market

The global RWA market is rapidly emerging, drawing interest and attention from numerous traditional financial giants. Market forecasts by Boston Consulting Group and Citigroup indicate that the tokenized asset market will reach trillions of dollars by 2030. This trend offers expansive opportunities for the international development of AET Chain.

Through its global strategic layout, AET Chain actively expands into international markets, enhancing its influence in the RWA sector. Through technological innovation and market promotion, AET Chain aims to become a global leader in the RWA field.

  • WAET’s Competitive Advantages in Internationalization

As the core protocol token of AET Chain, WAET possesses significant competitive advantages for internationalization. Its decentralized design and multi-chain liquidity capture mechanism enable WAET to attract global users and investors. Additionally, WAET’s enforced burning mechanism and dual-token output model ensure the stable growth of its long-term value, further enhancing its market appeal.

By enabling seamless cross-chain asset flows, WAET not only increases the liquidity and market value of the AET ecosystem but also provides global users with more convenient and efficient investment channels. Looking ahead, as AET Chain continues to expand in the global market, WAET will play a vital role in helping the AET ecosystem achieve higher internationalization goals.



As the first protocol token of AET Chain in the RWA sector, WAET plays a critical role within the AET ecosystem, showcasing its vast potential in driving the digitization of real-world assets. Through a series of innovative mechanisms and strategic layouts, WAET successfully enhances the overall value and market competitiveness of AET Chain, boosting user engagement and investment returns.

Looking forward, AET Chain will continue to focus on technological innovation and market expansion, promoting the comprehensive development of the digital economy. By continuously optimizing and expanding its ecosystem, AET Chain will provide global users with richer and more convenient digital asset management and investment opportunities.

The All Universe Ecological Global Launch Conference concluded successfully

On May 10th, All Universe celebrated a historic moment. The conference, themed “Gathering Momentum for a New Voyage, Drawing blueprints of the future together” was grandly inaugurated in Kuala Lumpur. Initiated by the All Universe ecosystem, the event attracted hundreds of industry heavyweights, leaders, renowned investment institutions, international media, and many Web3 innovators and opinion leaders from around the world, all gathered to witness the grand voyage of All Universe.

During the afternoon session of the summit, All Universe captured the audience’s attention with its unique breakthrough innovations. Kelvin Khoo, APAC Director/CEO of All Universe and the Silicon Valley Apersky Foundation; JS Shen, Executive Director of All Universe; David Mitchell, Founder/Chairman of the Silicon Valley Apersky Foundation; and Dilhan Pillay, CEO of the Silicon Valley Apersky Foundation, successively deep-dived into All Universe’s grand blueprint from aspects like platform introduction, ecosystem layout, business cooperation, and future outlook.

As a deep cultivator in the realm of virtual and real economies, All Universe has always been committed to exploring the essence of business value, aiming to create market liquidity and profits through digital assets. The platform has already taken the lead in opening three major business applications: “DeFi/Blockchain Gaming, AI-driven Finance, and Agriculture.” The platform will gradually build a diversified commercial metaverse empire revolving around the “UNV” ecological token, employing a “coin-stock equal rights” capital operation model to achieve dual wins for coins and stocks, capital multiplication, and ultimately, the ambitious goal of listing on NASDAQ.

According to official personnel, All Universe will officially open globally on May 13, 2024, at 00:00 Beijing time, at which point players can enjoy industry dividends through the platform’s DeFi/Blockchain Gaming, AI-driven Finance, and Agriculture business applications. In the future, All Universe will also launch a series of new actions in ecological cooperation and global roadshows.

Additionally, the All Universe team shared the development journey and ecological data, and discussed in-depth the brand’s experience in the tobacco cultivation, traditional finance, and AI sectors within the real and crypto economy industries. The straightforward narrative style allowed attendees to clearly understand the glory of the All Universe ecosystem. In fact, the development history of All Universe globally is supported by data, with each major data disclosure representing the arduous efforts made by the fast-growing operational team. With major data points being collectively presented, the efforts of operational teams across regions have come to fruition, and today All Universe’s industry reputation and global influence are steadily increasing worldwide.


Through this summit, Web3 evangelists have also gained a deep understanding that All Universe not only showcases the advantages of its ecological and resource background but also heralds the golden age of the fusion of virtual and real economies. As the crypto and real economies merge, players are better positioned to capture vertical industry dividends, playing an increasingly important role in the future digital economy, with the All Universe team playing a significant part in this field. We believe that, with efforts from ecosystems like All Universe, empowering user needs and creating more value for investors will be the trend of the future industry.

FIFA-17: When football encounters Web3, it will collide with new passion and sparks

Hi, here we are again introducing the new “Unicorn” platform to everyone.

The FIFA-17 we are going to introduce this time is interesting and crazy. And it’s really comprehensive, covering all aspects of digital sports.

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Simply put, it is a Web3 sports track investment and financing aggregation club jointly established by FIFA Foundation, 17 Sport, and Dapper Labs, with football as the entry point. It has reached strategic cooperation with the top 50 football clubs and top teams worldwide, and together with fans, participates in team management and strategic decision-making through DAO voting to jointly operate and manage the sports investment and financing aggregation club.

Football is one of the most popular sports on Earth, and it is a huge community with billions of followers. But in the highly commercialized football world, countless clubs have been taken over (bankrupted) or sold their souls to wealthy investors – energy drinks, commercial oligarchs, or wealth funds. The result is that football has gradually moved away from sustainability, transparency, integrity, and those who keep it vibrant: its fans.

FIFA-17 is going to change all of this.

This is the second time I have seen sports fans wanting to acquire and operate teams through DAO. The last time I saw a friend wanting to buy an NBA team. It’s crazy and fun. Crazy return to madness, but my friends are doing very well, with a certain level of sophistication.

After looking at the situation of FIFA-17, I think his family’s execution is much higher.

Firstly, the Genesis team consists of FIFA Foundation, 17 Sport, and Dapper Labs.

The FIFA Foundation was founded in 2018 and is a related foundation of the International Football Federation. As an independent entity, its goal is to mobilize the positive forces of football to improve life. The core of FIFA Foundation activities is to address social issues that affect young people, empower women and girls to play football and fully unleash their potential, repair damaged or destroyed sports infrastructure, support education through football and football, and use some of the most famous and exquisite icons in games to convey positive messages to millions of people worldwide, creating a more inclusive world.

17 Sport was founded in 2020 and is the world’s first comprehensive company to build sports influence. The company is positioned at the intersection of sports, business, and society, providing strategic, collaborative, program implementation, and strategic services for transformational leaders in the global sports and business fields, committed to seeking a better tomorrow for humanity and the planet. The existence of 17 sports is to help businesses leverage the power of sports to build a more positive future for the world while achieving business goals. Its name is inspired by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and is rooted in SDG 17 and our profound belief in the power of partnerships. Our global expert team is located in 7 different countries across 3 continents, consisting of individuals who have been at the forefront of sports and business revolution for the past 15 years.

Dapper Labs was founded in February 2018 with the aim of providing 1 billion users with a simpler and more fun way to understand the advantages of blockchain and experience decentralization. In just a few years, we have created the world’s first blockchain game, CryptoKitties, and the explosive NBA Top Shot, even exploring new models for commercialization in the NFT field. Dapper Labs, the NBA Top Shot developer, became the only Crypto company to be shortlisted and ranked first among the most innovative gaming companies in the world in 2022, according to the well-known cutting-edge business media magazine Fast Company. After completing last year’s financing, its valuation reached $7.6 billion, making it a truly global unicorn company.

The three core creation institutions have rich experience in sports organization, management, and science and technology, as well as abundant resources in sports, technology, capital, and other aspects, which can provide strong support for the development of FIFA-17.

At the same time, FIFA-17 has a vibrant and well-known team composed of continuous entrepreneurs, game players and producers, technology geeks, content creators, and professional athletes. They not only have strategic partnerships with multiple well-known teams and established sports enterprises worth billions of dollars, but also have established cooperative relationships with some famous ecosystem participants, investors, game studios, sports leagues, esports teams, and game guilds. They have also launched multiple well-known sports and entertainment ecosystems. The explosive popularity of NBA Top Shot has opened up a new model for commercialization in the NFT field. They stand at the top of the industry and have an extraordinary understanding and strategic planning ability in technology, market, capital, users, and industry. As think tanks, they are far ahead of all DAO organizations currently visible in terms of strategic layout, capital operation, market operation, industrial construction, and ecological construction. The excellence of the top-level architecture is fundamental to the leading industry of FIFA-17 and an irreplaceable unique advantage in its own genes.


Secondly, numerous alliance investment institutions.

With a solid operational foundation and promising development prospects, FIFA-17 has gained the favor of numerous sports companies and financial institutions such as CAA, Wasserman, LA84 Foundation, Lawrence World Sports, Big Brain Holdings, Jump Crypto, Impossible Finance, SnapFingers DAO, Protocol Ventures, Draper Associates, Blockchain Capital, BlockVC, etc. These institutions have provided $20 million in capital investment for FIFA-17.

Thirdly, top cooperative football clubs and ecological partners.

In order to better promote ecological development, let global fans and fans have a better understanding of the latest trends of football stars, and enable global users to better participate in sports related commercial products, FIFA-17 has reached strategic cooperation with the top 50 football clubs and top teams around the world, and has received strategic resource support from various institutions. It will provide fans with information about the World Cup and football stars, NFTs, and bring related dividends.

● Collaborative football clubs

● Ecological partners

Fourthly, it is their voting system.

FIFA-17 has a large fan base and places greater emphasis on the experience and rights of the fan base. Therefore, FIFA-17 will provide users with a unique fan voting system, in the form of FIFA token voting, allowing fans in sports fields such as football to have the right to “joint control” and participate in team management and strategic decision-making. Any league, team and event can achieve this mode through the application of blockchain. And fans can become opinion leaders for any competition project through the platform that uses FIFA payment. On the contrary, teams, leagues, and other various projects in the sports field can also achieve fan economy by giving fans certain decision-making power.

The introduction of fan voting systems has made fan users no longer just spectators on the field, but participants in team decision-making. Through voting, they can influence the team’s decisions and jointly create brilliance that belongs to the team.


Fifth and most importantly, their governance token FIFA.

FIFA-17 is not only a platform, but also a diverse experiential space created by the participation of fans, players, and creators. FIFA-17 opens the door to participation and creation for every user through carefully designed ecosystem mechanisms. In this unique ecosystem, FIFA tokens are the link that connects everything. By participating in platform activities, betting competitions, and creating digital football art, users will not only receive FIFA tokens, but also feel the rich benefits brought to them by the ecosystem.

Through FIFA tokens, users can participate in the following applications and enjoy the following benefits:

●FIFA is a platform governance token and a universal tool for users to participate in the ecosystem;

●Users can participate in various competitions by betting and earn a variety of betting profits through various gameplay methods;

●FIFA is used for voting, decision-making, rewards, etc. in the voting system. By participating in team decision-making, users can not only influence the development of the team, but also receive more token rewards, achieving participation as income;

●FIFA is used for star economy, and fans can receive economic benefits from the stars by supporting them with FIFA tokens;

●Users can purchase and exchange star cards with FIFA tokens to create unique digital collectibles and achieve free circulation of digital assets;

●Users can participate in sports and competitive games through FIFA tokens, and receive rewards by watching matches or joint betting;

●Users can purchase virtual tickets through FIFA tokens, interact with other fans, promote social interaction, and build a strong community.

A diversified token ecosystem design creates a fun, sustainable, and vibrant digital football experience for users. Tokens are not only digital currencies, but also the link between users and various aspects of the platform, jointly promoting the prosperity of the ecosystem.

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Of course, this is only a part. FIFA-17 also collaborates with numerous clubs to collect various sports information and events in a timely manner, providing users worldwide with comprehensive services such as football, basketball, tennis, and other sports event information from over 200 countries and regions, real-time scores, animated video live streaming, event data analysis, and team information.

At the same time, FIFA-17 will also gradually launch comprehensive participation plans such as sports guessing, FIFA Social, NFTs, digital humans, sports competitive games, VR/AR virtual stadiums, etc., allowing football enthusiasts to participate more comprehensively and experience the fun of digital football and digital sports. To learn more, it is necessary to pay more comprehensive attention to FIFA-17 and have a more comprehensive understanding of its related information.

It is said that FIFA-17 has not yet been fully launched and has attracted global media coverage, which is enough to prove its popularity. It is also possible to imagine the popularity of its comprehensive launch in the future.

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Not only that, the top KOLs covering a total of 2 million fans across the entire network have also expressed their recognition of FIFA-17 and have tweeted and called for FIFA-17.

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The launch of FIFA-17 is not only a digital football arena, but also an ecological experience jointly created by users. FIFA-17 not only focuses on the outcome of matches, but also pays attention to the gains and resonance of users in this digital football ecosystem. We can give more attention to FIFA-17, provide a more comprehensive experience of the transformation from audience to beneficiaries, decision-makers, and creators, share the new dividends of digital sports, and jointly create the future of digital football.

Tapbit Exchange Launched 0 Slippage Copy Trading Feature, Revolutionizing Crypto Trading Experience

Tapbit, the global leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced the launch of a revolutionary feature: 0 Slippage Copy Trading. This innovative functionality effectively addresses the issue of slippage in copy trading, allowing followers to accurately replicate the trading actions of their chosen traders and setting a new industry standard.

Copy trading is an automated strategy widely used in the cryptocurrency market, allowing followers to replicate the trading patterns of successful traders without the need for extensive research or trading expertise. However, an issue that often arises in copy trading is slippage, which refers to the difference between the price at which a trader enters or exits a position and the price at which the follower executes the same trade. This disparity in prices can occur due to market fluctuations and can negatively impact the profitability of followers by reducing potential profits or increasing losses.


To address this issue, Tapbit has introduced the groundbreaking 0 Slippage Copy Trade feature. By eliminating slippage, it ensures that followers execute trades at exactly the same price as their chosen trader, and users can enjoy an optimal copy trading experience while the platform assumes the related risks. Elite traders on Tapbit can now apply for access to this feature, and once approved, they will see the “0 slippage” on supported pairs, while followers also can clearly identify the supported pairs while choosing copy pairs. A certain fee based on the actual trading volume will be charged after successfully executing 0 slippage copy trades.

Lucas Galvão, the CEO of Tapbit, stated, “We are committed to providing an enhanced copy trading experience, which is why we have introduced this innovative 0 Slippage Copy Trading feature. By eliminating slippage barriers in copy trading, we aim to maximize profits or minimize losses for our users. This groundbreaking feature demonstrates our dedication to empowering users and ensuring their success in the cryptocurrency market.”

Tapbit remains committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions for its users, and the introduction of 0 Slippage Copy Trading is just the beginning. Tapbit looks to the future, striving for excellence and aiming to create a reliable and profitable cryptocurrency trading platform for all.

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Tapbit is a leading cryptocurrency exchange, offering secure and stable trading services to users from over 100 countries and regions. Safeguarding user funds and providing a top-notch trading experience are key priorities for Tapbit. Tapbit holds prestigious licenses, including the MSB fiat currency business license and NFA general financial license issued by the US federal government, as well as the crypto and forex business license issued by SVGFSA. For more information, please visit:

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